okie back to the topics, 2 gals have humiliated my drawings on the gals for having small Boobs aka Fei Kei Chiong. It is sad to say that i didnt even notice it and yet gals notice it first. Weird hur?
Pianonee ask me this morning, are u shy of drawings big boobs? that question doesnt really bother me at all, hereby i show u the boobs post, see i am not shy about it ^^
Then i decided to consult some boobs specialist in this area...
Source: So wat u want to know about boobs?
IK: I drew some gals on my comics, then there is this comment that their boobs is too small, it looks well to me.
Source: Send me the pics and i will judge
IK: [Sending files......]
Source: WTF, those arent call boobs, those are nothing, not even an A cup.
IK: okie... others artist like mark pasiri and scott adams drew around the same size as well, so it should be alright?
Source: Those are their problem, u should drew at least the size of a C, or D or even DD.
IK: My fren YODM once told me, there is 2 type of guys, the boobs guys or the leg guys. I guess i fall into the leg guys category kekekeke
Source: Friend, let me forward u this mail
IK: HOLY CRAP, that is so so so so informative (refer below for "SOME" of the pics)

Source: So u know how to draw now?
IK: Yes sir, you have teach me well.
Source: May the boobs be with u
After the above conversation, i ram my head and do a RnD on gals boobs structure of drawings. It tooks me 2 hours of learning to produce some okie okie boobs. Below are some of the pics. I will modify the rest next time hahaha
#Please note that drawing gals body structure is not easy, a slight changes in the body structure will result of fatness, bulkiness, thiness or even large bone struture, it is not easy, try it ^^.