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Houses have become a major investment for most people who wanted to get rich fast after reading all those “Get Rich Faster” books. However not much people can afford a house easily as the construction takes time and $$$. No Fear, Dr Behrokh Khoshnevis have designed a robot that is capable in building a shell of a two-storey house in just 24 hours, and he claims “Compared to a conventional house, the speed of construction will be increased 200-fold and the building costs will be reduced to a fifth of what they are today”.
The robot costs $1.5m is inspired by inkjet printer, which builds the house layer by layer. And the coolest part is the house is just build entirely from 2 materials – Concrete and Gypsum. With this new Robo-builders out, civil engineer and construction worker can cry as their work is being taken over by Robot, however us citizen will enjoy a much cheaper house.
#P/S: As space is an issue in majority country, Condominium and Apartment have taken over majority housing construction; will scientist come out with a Condominium/Apartment builder anytime soon?
Source: Timesonline
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