When i am small, i am always facinated by science and invention. I tends to discover new invention over and over again. Some are Copy Paper, Aluminium Creation and etc etc. Yeah those invention are invented by others people, so it is nothing new to u all, but the fact is this, i never knew how those invention works in the first place and yet i discover how to make those. So it is interesting for me.
Lets take the copy paper for example. when i am 5 - 6, i took a paper and draw it all black with a 2B pencil and i used it over and over again to photocopy watever i write by putting the copy paper under the paper i am writting. I like it so much and show my teacher, she told me it is called as carbon paper which is used widely in stores to write receipt so that it have 2 copies. I am so sad coz i thought i first person to discover it. But hey who cares, i discover it myself without learning from others. Through my earlier days of my life i have discover many similar stuff that was discovered by otehrs already, and i am always proud to myself and said i will become a real inventor one day and discover something nobody have. But watever i am juz a IT worker today, Life SUX
At the age of 11 (standard 5), i start studying electics and how electrics works. I discover a way to generate infinite energy (prepertual motion machine). I shown my teacher, but none of them can prove me wrong and i dont have enuf tools to make the machine either. So it is alwasys on the drawing board. When i started college, the urge of recreating my infinite energy machine came back and i meet up with my frenz who willing to help me indirectly. And i used my old drawings to recreate the component and name it DCACACDC (it is read as D-CA-CA-CDC). However the project failed, watever haahahah
Today, as i was reading some article, i found that another version of DCACACDC was invented, it is called Inverter. If you buy a aircon now (the newest model), most of them come with inverter, it reduce the usage of electricity to 50%. Although it is different purpose, The inverter discovered today was used to reduce comsumption of electric, while the DCACACDC i discovered years ago is used to do Infinite Energy, but both run on same concept....
I wish i wish that one day DCACACDC or Inverter will be fully completed and we dont have to pay for electric or petrol bill anymore. Will it complete?? who knows?
My Concept: To Change a DC energy source into AC and boost the energy using transformer creating infinite energy.
Current Concept: To convert DC to AC, uses transformer as a Gearing system to reduce comsumption on electrical devices.
Lets take the copy paper for example. when i am 5 - 6, i took a paper and draw it all black with a 2B pencil and i used it over and over again to photocopy watever i write by putting the copy paper under the paper i am writting. I like it so much and show my teacher, she told me it is called as carbon paper which is used widely in stores to write receipt so that it have 2 copies. I am so sad coz i thought i first person to discover it. But hey who cares, i discover it myself without learning from others. Through my earlier days of my life i have discover many similar stuff that was discovered by otehrs already, and i am always proud to myself and said i will become a real inventor one day and discover something nobody have. But watever i am juz a IT worker today, Life SUX
At the age of 11 (standard 5), i start studying electics and how electrics works. I discover a way to generate infinite energy (prepertual motion machine). I shown my teacher, but none of them can prove me wrong and i dont have enuf tools to make the machine either. So it is alwasys on the drawing board. When i started college, the urge of recreating my infinite energy machine came back and i meet up with my frenz who willing to help me indirectly. And i used my old drawings to recreate the component and name it DCACACDC (it is read as D-CA-CA-CDC). However the project failed, watever haahahah
Today, as i was reading some article, i found that another version of DCACACDC was invented, it is called Inverter. If you buy a aircon now (the newest model), most of them come with inverter, it reduce the usage of electricity to 50%. Although it is different purpose, The inverter discovered today was used to reduce comsumption of electric, while the DCACACDC i discovered years ago is used to do Infinite Energy, but both run on same concept....
I wish i wish that one day DCACACDC or Inverter will be fully completed and we dont have to pay for electric or petrol bill anymore. Will it complete?? who knows?
My Concept: To Change a DC energy source into AC and boost the energy using transformer creating infinite energy.
Current Concept: To convert DC to AC, uses transformer as a Gearing system to reduce comsumption on electrical devices.
Ikz my man, some one beat you to the "IKZ". Well you can keep working on it and gimme one when its done.
Keep at it Ikz. U da man.
psyph, at 12:53 PM
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