It have been sometimes since i last drawn comics. if some of ya strill remember my comic blog kekkeke. anyway the blog dieded, too lazy to maintain.
so i decided to draw some pics again, here is a pics of wat i felt when i get my increment. *TUT*

#sorry no scanner, so use digital camera with bad lighting.
so i decided to draw some pics again, here is a pics of wat i felt when i get my increment. *TUT*

#sorry no scanner, so use digital camera with bad lighting.
haha.. i heard that sentence before!! haha. nice one, then i know how to reply already kekkee....
[NottY]Nee, at 12:58 PM
I wan higherr pay RAWRRRRRRRRRR
ikzq, at 7:23 PM
just hop to another company.. oops.. then you can get that...shhhh
[NottY]Nee, at 10:58 AM
lolz dont worry, i am trying to do that anyway ahhahha. so nothing to hide here
ikzq, at 1:46 PM
Good comic! Anyway, its always the same wherever you go. The boss will give you some funny reason why your increment is so low despite all your hard work. -__-||||
Angie Tan, at 4:31 PM
haiyoo angie, your salary must be very very higher than me la, you no need worry wat?... -__-|||
I musuk as a trainee, one year later still a trainee..... Gosh..
[NottY]Nee, at 11:30 PM
It is the amount that matters it is the % that matters. When one is given a lower % than average means a company thinks u sux or something like that regardless of amount of work u do.
For me, my policy is, watever amount of work u ask me to do isnt a single prob. But my work have to be appreciated. Since the company thinks my works arent important in their eyes. So why bother to work hard? grrrrrrrrr
sorry veli negative and emo lately. I think i need another holiday. Maybe Thailand MUAHAHHHAH. i am darn broke -___-"
ikzq, at 8:56 AM
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