Some of u may encounter this problem from me. Ocassionaly i would ask the same question to u multiple time. Again and again and again. Some may get pissed off from wat i did. Hey yeah, it always happen to me, not juz u. So i explain wat hapen in the process.

When u all actually feeding information into my brain, my brain is always multitasking in other stuff. either dreaming of pretty gals, dreaming of a cool holiday on a beach side or mountain. So when ur information pass thru my brain, it automatically route to recycle bin. So few minutes later i may ask u the same thing whcih i ask earlier on. ^^
So how to u counter this problem from me or others who have such symptoms (this is part of ADHD symptom for not being able to concentrate on one stuff and forgetful)

Wake me up, scold me. oiiii u *tut tut tut*, concentrate on wat i said, come back to reality. Or use something that would attract more attention. For gals maybe u can strip while toking to me woooohooohooo, or for guys, ehhhhh i dont know. watever.
so the key point for me to be forgetful is attention, so grab my attention properly when u wanna me to remember something yah^^
#all pics are mouse drawn.

When u all actually feeding information into my brain, my brain is always multitasking in other stuff. either dreaming of pretty gals, dreaming of a cool holiday on a beach side or mountain. So when ur information pass thru my brain, it automatically route to recycle bin. So few minutes later i may ask u the same thing whcih i ask earlier on. ^^
So how to u counter this problem from me or others who have such symptoms (this is part of ADHD symptom for not being able to concentrate on one stuff and forgetful)

Wake me up, scold me. oiiii u *tut tut tut*, concentrate on wat i said, come back to reality. Or use something that would attract more attention. For gals maybe u can strip while toking to me woooohooohooo, or for guys, ehhhhh i dont know. watever.
so the key point for me to be forgetful is attention, so grab my attention properly when u wanna me to remember something yah^^
#all pics are mouse drawn.
haha.. i am different from you, my brain cannot multitasking, In fact, my brain using Queue algorithm.
If my brain is processing on one task, and at this time you come and talk to me, sorry la, your message will temporary go to the queue using first in first out basic. After the current task completed, the next task just can be processed. So don't be too sad if my brain select to ignore you, it is not my fault, and i never ignore you, just a little little bit slow response nia and will definately won't go to recycle bin!
so if i nothing to do, meaning that queue is empty, i will hibernate myself by just day dreaming, any queue request come in will also get a slow response because it needs time to boot up.
so, my most productive day will always after the lunch time, before this tat the time for booting up & cleaning the recycle bin..
[NottY]Nee, at 8:01 PM
that is juz so so so so weird. U r the first gal i know in the world which cant multitask.
btw for ppl like me, i can multitask buttt it is not a selective multitask. meaning anything that get my attention more for be processed aka ADHD.
others? forget about it muahhahahaha
ikzq, at 8:17 PM
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