Recently i am not in a mood in reading peoples blog, i wonder why, usually i am always excited to see how my fren have been thru their blogs, as i rarely use MSN to chat now, so the only way to communicate with them is thru blogging.
Worst still, not only i lost mood on reading peoples blog, i even lost mood in writting a good post. oh nvm, anyway here i present u TIOMAN 2!!

Wooohooo, we arrived in tioman at last!

The hotel we stays in....

Bloody slipers, i bought this so claim to be "Beach slipers" for RM15. It is said veli comfortable when u walk on beach with it. It not only sticks the sand on it, it also hurt my foot badly.

Yup, we book Berjaya Tioman Beach Resort

Beach of berjaya, quite dirty actually, but way cleaner than Teluk Batik and PD

Saw that mushroom island over there? that is our destination next day. It is suppose to have loads of beautiful fish and coral. Pics to be uploaded next time

Here u can rent donkey for a walk or jungle tracking, pics of me and donkey to be uploaded next

Even Tioman have Twin tower 0.o

I farking HATE CALSBERG, gimme my jolly shandy!!!

#Tioman 3 to be up next few days.
Worst still, not only i lost mood on reading peoples blog, i even lost mood in writting a good post. oh nvm, anyway here i present u TIOMAN 2!!

Wooohooo, we arrived in tioman at last!

The hotel we stays in....

Bloody slipers, i bought this so claim to be "Beach slipers" for RM15. It is said veli comfortable when u walk on beach with it. It not only sticks the sand on it, it also hurt my foot badly.

Yup, we book Berjaya Tioman Beach Resort

Beach of berjaya, quite dirty actually, but way cleaner than Teluk Batik and PD

Saw that mushroom island over there? that is our destination next day. It is suppose to have loads of beautiful fish and coral. Pics to be uploaded next time

Here u can rent donkey for a walk or jungle tracking, pics of me and donkey to be uploaded next

Even Tioman have Twin tower 0.o

I farking HATE CALSBERG, gimme my jolly shandy!!!

#Tioman 3 to be up next few days.
carlsberg ok la..budweiser rocks!:P hahaha..
Justin, at 1:17 AM
i juz hate bir la <_<. either u gimme shivas, voldka, jean bean or only and only jolly shandy.
others sux <_<, SUXXX uwahhhhh i hate Carlsberg.
ikzq, at 8:38 AM
cool pics of tioman!
I noticed you went to the donkey ranch, where are the donkeys?? HAHAHA...
I like Fosters... hehe... Budweiser is ok-la... So is Tetley's...
Angie Tan, at 11:11 PM
ermmmm donkey pics still stuck inside my camera, i dont know why it cannot take out. Maybe i will pull the SD card out and read it by forced <_<. i can view it, but i cant download it hahaha.
All bir sux, and read my lips all bir sux. All glory to jolly Shandy. go go go jolly shandy
ikzq, at 8:54 AM
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